WALHI Papua and Foker NGO Papua Urge the Strengthen of Moratorium Policy in the Effort of Improvement in Forest and Peat Management in Papua

President Joko Widodo in COP 21 UNFCCC in Paris has stated his commitment to decrease emission of greenhouse for 29% with business as usual in 2030 and 41% with international support, as stated in NDC. We also remember that President, in May 2015, issued the Presidential Instruction No. 8/2015 regarding Issuance Delay for New License and Improvement of Primary Natural Forest and Peat Management. In Papua, despite the existence of such delay/moratorium policy in giving the permit to use forest and peat land, the reality speaks differently: during the moratorium period, in Papua, there is still expansion of extractive industry massively especially the palm oil plantation. Obviously, it can been seen from the land clearance by palm oil companies which usually located in primary natural forest within 2012 – 2015, and spreading in many regions throughout Papua. The high number of expansion throughout Papua shows the inconsistency and disobedience of both central and local governments in implementing the policy made by the government itself. The issuance of new permit by the government for extractive industry especially the palm oil plantation and mining during the moratorium/delay period is considered conspiracy in politics economy between corporates and government in the name of economy development for the people. Such thing is premature because it doesn’t happen in reality. Lesson learned from what happened to indigenous people of Arso in Keerom.

In addition, there is also Government Regulation No. 13/2017 regarding Amendment of Government Regulation No. 26/2008 regarding National Spatial Plan (RTRW) which is considered as inconsistency towards Indonesia’s commitment in the international world because by regulation this policy is binding the local government to follow the national policy regarding the license issuance in several sectors to corporates in Papua. The changing of this RTRW triggers many conflicts in many regions which potentially for criminalization happens toward the indigenous people who have stood for their rights over lands and natural resources. WALHI Papua together with Foker NGO Papua in press conference held in May 2017 urge President Joko Widodo to immediately issue and strengthen the moratorium policy for licenses, to review the troubled license and law enforcement against corporates committed to crimes against the environment and humanity.

WALHI Papua and Foker NGO Papua also recommend: (1), to ask Provincial government of Papua and West Papua to stop giving recommendation for companies/extractive industries willing to invest/expand throughout Papua because based on the experience, their existence has never given any benefit for the indigenous people as the owner of the land and natural resources. In opposite, they just take over all of the forest potency which causes higher degradation and deforestation, endless conflict for indigenous people; they even conspire with state apparatus doing violation of human rights including killing innocent people. (2), to ask Governor of Papua and West Papua, and all Regent/Mayor to do something real through regional regulation in order to save human and forest of Papua and build strategic partnership in managing a sustainable forest in Papua in the future. (3), to ask the Governor of Papua along with related technical institutions, and all parties, to urge the central government, especially Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) to issue Norm, Standard, Procedure and Criteria (NSPK) in implementing the Special Regional Regulation No. 21/2008 regarding Managing Sustainable Forest in Papua Province in a more concrete way to acknowledge the right of indigenous people over forests in Papua and in line with the cultural context of people in Papua for a more justice and sustainable forest management. Moreover, it is to decrease the degradation and deforestation that are getting higher in Papua. (4), to ask the Governor of West Papua along with the related technical institutions to immediately issue Special Regional Regulation as the implementation of Law of Special Autonomy in regards with sustainable forest management in West Papua Province, in order to guarantee the rights of indigenous people over forests in West Papua province.