WALHI is present at the Festival of Social Forestry Nusantara

Peoples Festival "Social Forestry Nusantara" is an event initiated by the Directorate General of Social Forestry and Environmental Partnership, fully supported by social forest activists from academics, NGOs, local government and Ministry of Environment and Forestry. Pesona is organized as a follow-up to the need for containers or infrastructure to introduce social forestry in all elemants throughout Indonesia, according to the theme that is "It's Community Time". Social Forestry is an community empowerment activity that is directly related to the community, whether internal community or around forest area. Through its main activities of Community Forest (HKm), Hutan Desa (HD), Community Plantation Forest (HTR), Partnership and Indigenous Forest (HA), communities are given access to manage forest areas in a sustainable manner that ultimately can create jobs and improve welfare . Not only people around the forest area are getting attention, the activities of Social Forestry and Environmental Partnership also involve communities in all sectors, including communities outside forest, residential and urban areas. WALHI's involvement Through the Pesona Forum is expected to boost the enthusiasm, passion and spirit of all parties from ministries/institutions, NGOs, Business World, and especially to the farmers community to further develop creativity to actualize their main goal ‘business independency’.

During the event, WALHI introduced the model of Manpower Area (MA) as one of the solution of land ownership and management and other source of income that has always been a clash between the community, the government and the corporation. Inside the stand of WALHI, display and sell various products produced by independent community by utilizing existing natural resources. They use the Manpower Area (MA) model so the marketed product is definitely "Free Conflict", because in the production process no party is harmed eventhough nature. Start from West Kalimantan herbal medicine, a variety of processed sago from Riau, sorghum and brown rice from West Java, to a variety of processed seaweed from Pari Island, Kepulauan Seribu. Pesona is held for 3 (Three) days from 6 to 8 September 2017 which held in Manggala Wanabakti Building (Ministry of Environment and Forestry) as the centre of the location. The event consists of Seminar, Talk Show, Performing Arts, Exhibition, etc, that will be held simultaneously in several locations such as Auditorium, Rimbawan II, Area Plaza and the area around Arboretum Park. During the event WALHI also held discussions wrapped with "Relaxing Chat" around Climate Change and ecological justice. The visitor enthusiasm was increased during this discussion session, various questions and arguments fill the course of discussion. In addition, mass media colleagues also enlivened by doing coverage news.