Warga Gugat Ijin Lingkungan PLTU Cirebon 2 Sidang dimulai hari ini di PTUN Bandung

Siaran Media 11 Januari 2017 Bandung, 11 Januari - Hari ini PTUN Bandung mulai gelar sidang atas gugatan masyarakat terdampak pembangunan PLTU Batubara Kanci di Cirebon atas Izin Lingkungan. Tuntutan yang diajukan oleh 6 anggota masyarakat terdampak antara lain adalah bahwa Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Barat membatalkan izin lingkungan tentang kegiatan dan pembangunan PLTU Batubara yang berlokasi di kecamatan Astanajapura dan Kecamatan Mundu, Kabupaten Cirebon. Gugatan disampaikan oleh Rakyat Penyelamat Lingkungan (RAPEL) ke Pengadilan Tata Usaha Bandung (TUN), didampingi Tim Advokasi Hak Atas Keadilan Iklim. Sejak gugatan warga didaftarkan pada tanggal 6 Desember lalu, pihak perusahaan tidak tinggal diam. Pihak perusahaan telah mendatangi salah seorang penggugat dan menanyakan alasan menggugat, Dan siapa  yang menyuruh, namun dijawab dengan tegas bahwa mereka bertindak atas nama dan kemauan serta kepentingan mereka sendiri sebagai nelayan. Terdapat Kejanggalan Pada Proses Penerbitan Perijinan PLTU Cirebon 2 “Ijin lingkungan PLTU Cirebon 2 tidak mengindahkan kehidupan nelayan kecil dan petambak yang hidup di sekitar PLTU yang terkena dampak PLTU 2,” ujar Manajer Kampanye Urban dan Energi WALHI Nasional Dwi Sawung. “Selain itu juga terdapat kejanggalan pada proses pembuatan AMDAL, dimana kerangka acuan PLTU dilakukan di kabupaten Cirebon sedangkan AMDAL sendiri dilakukan ditingkat propinsi. Dalam hal ini berarti ada dua komisi AMDAL yang melakukan terhadap satu kegiatan, “ ungkap Dwi Sawung. Izin Lingkungan diterbitkan 11 Mei 2016 dan merupakan bagian dari rangkaian perizinan terkait rencana ekspansi PLTU batubara tahap 2 dengan kapasitas 1x 1000MW diatas tanah seluas 204,3 hektar untuk PT. Cirebon Energi Prasarana (PT.CEPR) dengan nomor. 660/10/ Izin lingkungan tersebut dinilai cacat secara substansi, prosedur dan melanggar peraturan perundangan. Akibatnya banyak nelayan kecil pencari ikan, rebon, kerang, pengrajin terasi dan petambak garam terancam kehilangan mata pancahariannya. Hampir seluruh penduduk masyarakat Desa Kanci Kulon bergantung dengan sumberdaya laut dan pesisir. Berbagai jenis kerang – kerangan, ikan, rebon dan lain - lain saat ini sudah jarang ditemui. Kerusakan dan pencemaran PLTU 1 sudah sangat berdampak pada masyarakat kanci apa lagi jika ditambah dengan PLTU 2. Selain itu rencana pembangunan ini telah menimbulkan konflik dan kerusakan parah pada sistem sosial masyarakat. PLTU Cirebon 2 Merupakan Bentuk Kejahatan Tata Ruang Menurut Wahyu Widianto, Koordinator Advokasi dan Kampanye WALHI Jawa Barat, proyek pengadaan  ketenagalistrikan 35.000 MW yang menjadi primadona dibawah kepemimpinan Presiden Joko Widodo sangat dipaksakan. “Percepatan pembangunan infrastruktur PLTU diwilayah Kanci dan sekitarnya di Kabupaten Cirebon jelas merupakan bentuk kejahatan tata ruang. Perda Tata Ruang Kabupaten Cirebon Pasal 19 Ayat (4) huruf a jelas menyatakan bahwa PLTU hanya diperbolehkan di Kecamatan Astanajapura. Sementara pembangunan PLTU 2 mencakup wilayah di luar Astanajapura,” ujar Wahyu Widianto. Berdasarkan pernyataan resmi DPRD sampai dengan saat ini pembahasan revisi RTRW Kabupaten Cirebon masih dalam tahap pembahasan di DPRD, jadi belum ada perubahan baik struktur maupun pola ruang kabupaten Cirebon.

Selain itu, peraturan daerah Nomor 17 Tahun 2011 tentang Tata Ruang Wilayah Kabupaten Cirebon  telah mempertimbangkan Kajian Lingkungan Hidup strategis (KLHS) CiaYuMajaKuning sehingga pembangunan infrastruktur yang bertentangan dengan PERDA tersebut akan berdampak buruk terhadak aspek lingkungan, sosial maupun perekonomian masyarakat setempat. Ditambah lagi, berdasarkan UU Lingkungan Hidup 32/2009 menyebutkan AMDAL setiap usaha/kegiatan yang tidak sesuai Dengan rencana  tata ruang wilayah tidak dapat dinilai dan wajib dikembalikan kepada pemrakarsa. Pembangunan PLTU Cirebon 2 saat ini sedang dalam proses menunggu financial closing dari beberapa lembaga pembiayaan. Sampai akhir desember lalu belum ada keputusan untuk melakukan financial closing, malahan terjadi pembatalan rencana pembiayaan oleh Bank Prancis, yaitu Societe Generale. Menurut sumber WALHI, Credit Agricole, Bank Prancis lainnya, kini sedang mempertimbangkan untuk melakukan pembatalan pembiayaan bagi PLTU Cirebon 2. Rakyat Penyelamat Lingkungan (RAPEL) juga menyebutkan bahwa masyarakat telah merasakan begitu parahnya dampak keberadaan PLTU 1. Kerusakan tidak hanya terkait lingkungan dan ekonomi tetapi juga kerusakan sosial yang terjadi di masyarakat sekitar pembangunan PLTU itu bisa kita lihat secara langsung. CSR dan kompensasi bukan merupakan solusi dari persoalan yang ditimbulkan oleh PLTU tetapi justru memperparah dan menghancurkan sistem sosial. Kontak : Dwi Sawung - Manajer Kampanye Urban dan Energi WALHI Nasional 08156104606 - sawung@wp_walhi.local Wahyu Widianto Koordinator Advokasi dan Kampanye WALHI Jawa Barat - 081320423076


Media Release 11 January 2017 Court hears fishermen’s case against West Java government over planned expansion of the Cirebon coal fired power plant Bandung, 11 January - The Bandung court commences hearing today on a case filed by citizens affected by the development of coal fired power plant in the Kanci area along the West Java coastline just outside the city of Cirebon, called the Cirebon 2 Coal Fired Power Plant. The West Java provincial government is called to review and revoke the Environmental Permit issued in support of the development of a coal fired power plant with obvious adverse implications on the local environment and livelihoods. The case was filed at the Bandung Administrative Court on the 6th of December on behalf of 6 individuals, represented by The People for Environmental Protection (Rakyat Penyelamat Lingkungan or RAPEL), assisted by the Legal Team for Climate Justice. The Environmental Permit number 660/10/ was issued on the 11th of May 2016 and was part of a permit process to allow the 1,000 MW expansion of the Cirebon Coal Fired Power Plant. The new plant will occupy 204.3 hectares and will be run by PT Cirebon Energi Persada (CEPR). According to the legal case, the permit has failed to meet procedural, substantial requirements and is in violation of a number of laws. The 1000 MW coal fired power plant, an expansion of the existing Cirebon plant, is currently in its early phase of construction despite of the fact that financial closing for the project had yet to be reached. The controversial project saw its French financiers withdraw from the project - Societe Generale has decided to do so early this year and, according to WALHI sources, Credit Agricole may soon follow suit.

The original Cirebon Coal Fired Power Plant has led to many negative impacts to local livelihoods. With the expansion, more small fishermen, shrimp catchers, mussel gatherers, shrimp paste makers and salt producers are at risk of losing their livelihoods. Nearly all of the Kanci Kulon villagers depend on coastal based natural resources as their source of livelihood. Many types of mussels, fish, shrimps and others have become increasingly difficult to find. The damage and environmental destruction caused by the first power plant has adversely impacted the Kanci people, and that will worsen with the development of the 2nd power plant. In addition, the development plans have already led to social conflict and has frayed the social fabric of the local community. PT Cirebon Energy Power (CEPR), the project developer, has contacted the individuals after the legal case has been filed, probing about motivation and hidden agendas, whereupon the individuals have responded firmly that they have acted on their own accord as fishermen, whose livelihoods and living space have already been affected by ongoing power plan developments. “The Environmental Permit issued for Cirebon 2 Coal Fired Power Plant has failed to consider the fact that entire populations of fishermen and shrimp farmers will be left without means of living, Entire environmental assessment procedures have been overruled and set aside to support the development of this highly controversial project.

The Environmental Impact Assessment, for instance, had its guidelines issued on the district level, but saw a last minute takeover by the provincial government,” says Dwi Sawung, National Campaign Manager for Urban and Energy Issues of WALHI Indonesia. Wahyu Widianto, Campaign and Advocacy Coordinator of the West Java chapter of WALHI, highlights that the 35,000 MW power plan championed by President Jokowi, has led to a serious violation of the local spatial laws. “The power plant development and its corresponding infrastructure that has taken place in and around Cirebon has clearly violated Article 19 clause 4a in the local spatial laws as it has only allocated an area within the Astanajapura subdistrict for power plant development. The expansion will see areas outside the said district, namely areas designated for small fishermen, shrimp farmers and its supporting industry, to be taken over by the power plant development and pushing entire populations out of the picture,” Widianto reveals. The local West Java Parliament has not completed a review process of the local spatial for Cirebon and there has been so far no adjustment or changes to the spatial laws, deeming current developments as a clear violation. In addition, Bylaw no. 17 year 2011 on Spatial Plan of the Cirebon District has considered the Strategic Environmental Assessment that recommends that no major infrastructure development is to take place along the coastal area that might have adverse impact on environment, social and local livelihoods. Finally, the Environmental Law no. 32 year 2009 clearly states that the Environmental Impact Assessment of each business and activity that fails to comply with the Spatial Plan cannot be assessed or validated, which deems the current assessment for the Cirebon 2 power plant as invalid or illegal. For more information, please contact : Dwi Sawung - Campaign Manager for Urban and Energy Issues, WALHI Indonesia 08156104606 - sawung@wp_walhi.local Wahyu Widianto Campaign and Advocacy Coordinator, WALHI West Java -  081320423076